Welcome to Charter House Innovations
Charter House Innovations

Outdoor Furniture

  • Huron Fencing SL
  • Huron Seating SL
  • Huron Fencing SL
  • Huron Planter SL
  • Huron Planter SL
  • Huron Seating SL
  • Huron Recept. SL
  • CV Fencing SL
  • Huron Recept. SL
  • CV Fencing SL

Huron Seating SL

Huron Seating SL Huron Seating SL loading...

Great Lakes inspire great outdoor furniture. This line is inspired by Lake Huron's majestic natural beauty – sun dappled forests, rocky beaches, and waters as vast and breathtaking as any of the great oceans. The tables, benches, planters, and waste receptacles of the Huron Line feature the beauty of natural wood without the maintenance issues typically associated with wood products. Synthetic wood planks offer color stability and will not warp or fade over time.

Click here to download product specifications.