Look for these icons when browsing our products to determine what furniture is the most environmentally responsible.
All products with the "Renew" icon utilize rapidly renewable resources. Renewable materials reduce our negative impact on the environment because their growth and harvest times are minimal.
The "Refresh" icon assures products have been made with materials contributing to healthy indoor air quality. Low VOCVolatile organic compounds (VOCs), found in paints and adhesives, are chemicals that vaporize at room temperature and can be hazardous to installers and occupants. adhesives, GreenGuard certifiedAn institute that tests and certifies products to meet indoor air quality standards.
www.greenguard.org materials, or materials with no added urea-formaldehydeA colorless gas found in adhesives used in particleboard and sealants. Products releasing high levels of urea-formaldehyde can cause eye irritation and respiratory problems. are typically used in "Refresh" products.
Products manufactured with recycled content bear the "Recycle" icon. Manufacturing with recycled content reduces the use of raw materials and increases the demand and value of recycled goods.